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"We are a debt collector attempting to collect a debt, any information obtained will be used for that purpose."

Financial Assistance

Given the current economic climate, more and more consumers are finding themselves in collections and dealing with late payments, delinquencies, and charged off accounts. Now more than ever, it is essential not to let your financial hole get too deep. The economy will emerge from this recession soon and you don’t want to be buried when it does. We can help you start repairing your credit now so you are in position to take advantage of the upswing when it occurs.

Our clients have hired us to resolve a delinquent account. Some of them give us latitude to settle the debt for a compromised amount if you are able to pay it in a lump sum. Most of them allow us to set up partial payment arrangements if your financial situation qualifies you.

Additionally, there are a number of resources available to consumers that afford them the opportunity to modify their mortgage or obtain a loan.

If you are currently paying toward a mortgage, there may be HUD programs available to assist you. Contact (800) 569-4287 to find a HUD certified housing counseling agency.

Several other companies are still lending money, please contact us for a current list.

financial assistance