Making a Payment Online
Sentry Credit, Inc introduces a new mechanism for payment. With our online payment portal, consumers can come directly to our website and make a payment. All you need is your account number.
Disclaimer: Credit Card and Check payments are verified via a third party secure payment gateway.
Western Union Quick Collect
Sentry Credit uses Western Union's Quick Collect System, which makes it easy for customers throughout the world to pay on their accounts. Payments may be made at more than 25,000 locations across the United States and Canada, and in more than 60 countries around the world. Many of these offices are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We receive payments and credit them to the consumer's account the same day that they are received. This costs consumers less than overnight express service or wire fees and it guarantees that the funds are good immediately upon confirmation of the transaction.
For a list of locations click on the link below: Find a Western Union Agent Location
Check By Phone Payments
Sentry Credit utilizes one of the newest collection payment vehicles, Check by Phone. This new product provides an easy and convenient payment alternative, the ideal choice early in the collection cycle. The Check by Phone service eliminates the "checks in the mail" excuse. For a $10.00 charge (paid by the consumer), the check will be re-created in our office for deposit into our account. This process requires the consumer to provide all check and bank account information directly off of the check that they are intending to use.
Post-Dated Checks
For consumers who cannot pay the entire amount of their account or are unable to pay until a specific date, this is an important option. Payments may be made by post-dated checks in compliance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, PL 95-109, Section 808, Text 2 and 4 by an installment agreement, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. In order to alleviate the problems of "I forgot ..." We can request the consumer provide post dated checks.
Credit Card Payments
In addition to the above payment methods, Sentry Credit is pleased to offer the option of using Visa or MasterCard as yet another means of enabling consumers to settle their accounts "right now". Our experience is that immediate resolution is satisfying to all parties involved.